It always shocks me how much faster time seems to go these days. Back in my youth, many, many years ago, days often seemed to last forever. I could happily spend an entire day playing with LEGO, building and tearing apart and building again. Come up with little stories for each ship and castle, inventing battles and heroics and villainous actions for hours at a time.
These days if I’m not careful when I sit down I might lose an entire evening.
Oh well. There are upsides to getting older as well, no question, but the pace of life is pretty ridiculous. And this weekend is going to be nuts… I signed up for a course about editing speculative fiction (like mine!) to see if I can get better at editing my first drafts into better second drafts to reduce editing costs.
My editor is great, for the record, and I’ve always been super pleased with her work, but at the same time editing is the number 1 cost for all my books. Reducing that cost would have a dramatic impact on making my self-publishing life easier.
So that’s something to look forward to! And who knows, maybe somewhere in there with the online course and my big paper that’s due on Monday and all my course readings I can actually find a few minutes to write. That’d be nice!
Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!