Lazy Sundays

I can’t say I’ve had a really relaxing day in… years, probably. I’m always working.

I mean, it comes with the territory. I want to be a writer, therefore I write. And that means any day that I’m not at the game store earning enough money for food and editing costs, I’m writing. Or at school… learning to write better. The end result is never really having a day off.

Heck, when I was in Japan a little over a year ago, I was writing there too. Every day I had to get at least a few thousand words done, in the mornings or in the evenings, between trips to gorgeous castles or hikes up mountains or taking a bullet train across the country. Always writing, always thinking about writing, always editing.

It’s exhausting, as you can imagine. I look forward to the day that I can focus on the writing and not pump so much time and energy into the rest of the stuff I have to do to fuel my writing currently. Hopefully another year or so, because gosh am I tired.

Anyway, I shouldn’t complain. I have shelter, food, and two jobs, only one of which costs me money. Things could be much, much worse. And I’m making slow progress on the novel, so that’s nice as well… not as nice as if it were swift progress, but you can’t have everything it seems, so I’ll take slow progress.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!