Cold Coffee and The Meaning of Life

I can’t say there is a thread that really connects those two things… I just happen to be drinking cold coffee, as I often do, and am thinking about the meaning of life.

School is interesting, in an abstract sort of way, but it continues to drive home how desperately I want to write full-time. Which is good, in a way, since that is what I am working towards, but that old phrase “Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the destination” feels very true many times.

I also have never liked that saying (not seeing a obstacle doesn’t stop you from hitting it!). But anyway.

I suppose I can’t really complain that much. There are a few significant stressors in my life, but everything else is going kinda close to how I want it. I just need way more time.

Maybe I’ll go pour myself a bit more cold coffee, and start on the novel again. My readings for this week were pretty short, so I should have some time.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!