Ah, that lovely time of year when I get to crunch through taxes. My fantastic partner handles a lot of the fiddly details these days, which is nice because I was not a big fan of doing my own taxes.
I did them, of course, but yeah. Just a degree of specificity that I really struggle with. Especially if/when anything went wrong, and I had to know very specific details. Not my forte.
ANYway, this gives me an opportunity to review how my financials have been going for the last few years, and I’m pleased to report: better! That’s nice. I’ve been basically doubling my income from book sales every year (technically, more than doubling… around 2.2 times per year). The critical thing to remember here is that the numbers are so small as to be almost meaningless, but still, it gives a promising trend. At the rate I’m going, I should be able to be a full-time writer, capable of supporting myself and contributing to my partner’s expenses as well by 2026.
And that’s actually not bad! Five more years… I would struggle, but I could do that. And we’re talking a very small salary at that point, plus it doesn’t factor in expenses (specifically, each book costs me about 2 grand to have edited, which means that more books I publish the more I pay out to keep those books coming).
Regardless, that’s somewhat promising. And hopefully as my books reach a wider audience I’ll gain more Patreon supporters, because that’s probably going to be the only thing that actually lets me make a living at this for the foreseeable future.
So, positive thoughts and good news all around!
With that, I should really get back to writing this novel I want to release in a month…
Hope everyone out there is doing well!