A Nice, Quiet Sunday

It doesn’t happen very often, but occasionally I get a full day to myself.
Not “myself”-myself, since my cats and partner are still around, but I don’t have any big pressing plans, I don’t have events to attend (either virtual or in-person in the Beforetimes), and the day opens up before me like a flower spreading its petals to the sun.

I don’t know if flowers do that. I’m a physicist, not a biologist/botanist. Ask me to calculate an escape velocity for that flower, I gotcha, but anyway.

The moral of this is that today I have a full day to do more-or-less whatever I want. And of course what that means is writing. What I almost always want to do is write. I’m going to take a break in a few hours to fry up some rainbow trout and steam some veggies (tastier than it sounds, I assure you), but other than that… a whole lot of writing, occasional bouts of painting, and a lot of chilling.

Tomorrow I have a stack of reading to do (Marlowe, at this time… “Doctor Faustus”), but that’s a tomorrow problem. Today? Today I am looking forward to crushing a few thousand words and other things that I do to enjoy life as best I can.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!