I had to cut my ad budget again. One of my ads is very successful, basically popping up every time it has the opportunity to. And it is landing me sales, but it costs me more-or-less $5 for every $1 I sell. In the grand scheme of things it’s not a tonne of money, but it adds up, and over a month it can be a bit shocking.
It’s too bad, though. Because, if anything, it has given me a very realistic “ads = sales” model that, had I more money, would result in more people reading my books… and, hopefully, if they read one, they may go on to read another one (or two!).
Now, granted, they would have to read my entire catalog at this point to recoup the losses from advertising, and even then it would barely break even, but at least the sting would be less.
But, t’is not to be. The ad will continue to run at a much more humble rate because I can’t afford otherwise. But hopefully people will still see my books, still be interested enough to pick up one or two of them. That’s the dream, after all.
Anyway! I get to finish up the last assignment for my English summer course today, and then start prepping for the last test and the final exam. Not exactly “fun”, but I am doing well overall and it will be nice to put another mandatory course in the rear view mirror on my way to my degree.
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!