Just a Final Exam Away...

I have to remind myself sometimes that I have willingly chosen to study for an English degree. That all the cost, time, effort, and energy is something I went out of my way to pursue in the hopes of…

Something. In the hopes of something. Maybe a better future? At the very least better books. But it’s hard to remember that sometimes, since it absorbs all of my “free time” like a giant, expensive, joyless blackhole.

Now, I will say that the “joyless” part is mostly because of the pandemic. I am very, very bad at online learning, and losing the ability to interact with classmates and professors has been hard. Hopefully things will be better in September (spoiler: probably not), but yeah, switching to an online mode of education has not been great.

But I finished my last test and assignment for my summer course today (yay!), which means I just have the exam to write (boo), and then I’m done for the rest of the month (or, the three weeks between now and when classes start up again). I intend to get much personal writing done in that time, fingers crossed.

Right! I should get back to just that writing… July was not a good month for my word count (and neither was June, as memory serves), so I have to make the most of the time I have available to me.

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!