Today I finished reading John Scalzi’s latest book, “The Kaiju Preservation Society.”
It was a lot of fun. Really enjoyed it, laughed out loud at least four or five times. There is a part… oh, spoilers, I shouldn’t. But let’s just say it’s cotton-candy reading at its finest. No deep or meaningful messages, but a great yarn told in a really interesting and engaging way.
I think I’ve waxed poetic about Scalzi at least a few times in the past, but it bares repeating: I don’t think he’s the greatest sci-fi author of our times. I don’t even think he’s a super-genious author in general, but he is very good at writing intelligent, funny, clever stories that fit together incredibly well. He’s a craftsman. If you want, I dunno, flowery literature that you can read while sipping champagne and eating caviar, he’s probably not a great fit, but gosh does he craft great stories. I’m a huge fan, and not least because his writing is exactly the kind of writing I aspire to.
Also, he seems really nice. Like, just sorta human in a really interesting way. Who knows if that’s true or not (he has a public persona, after all, so no idea how well crafted that is), but he seems really nice, and that’s nice.
Anyway, now that I’ve finished reading his story, I’m gonna get back to writing mine!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!