Severance by Ling Ma

Right on the heels of finishing the Kaiju Preservation Society by Scalzi I managed to read Severance by Ling Ma.

I admit I was hoping it was tied into the show of the same name, but they have nothing to do with each other. Such is life… but Severance is really good! I was very impressed. One of the comments on the jacket describe it as a “Zombie apocalypse coming of age story” which is hilarious, and true.

If I had complaints… well, the ending was a little unsatisfying. Not awful, but I always like my stories wrapped up neatly, and this one wasn’t. There was an element of deus ex machina at work, and that always feels a little cheat-y, but again, that’s a pet peeve of mine and not a fault in the story.

Speaking of which, I have started reading The Fault in Our Stars, and it’s a lot funnier than I was expecting. So far at least. I suspect that it won’t stay “funny” for the whole piece.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!