The amount of snow we got yesterday during my drive home was… impressive. Depressing, and it resulted in an extremely slow drive (it usually takes me 15 minutes, it took me almost an hour), but I got home safely.
It did make me think again about living someplace that doesn’t have snow. Would I miss it? A lot of my reading this semester has been focused on areas of the world that never see snow… heck, sometimes they don’t see seasons at all, at least in the way we expect seasons to exist.
It’s an appealing thought. Sure, it means insects larger than my head, but is that a fair trade for never having to shovel a driveway again? Or drive down a road covered in a foot of snow which makes it more akin to skiing than driving? I don’t know… ah, actually, I do know. If it weren’t for the spiders, I would consider it, but I hate spiders, and the ones we have in Canada are tiny compared to most, especially in temperate climates. The spiders in Japan freaked me out, and they were relatively small (amount hand-sized) compared to some of the monsters out there. I couldn’t do it.
Which is too bad. Maybe there is someplace on earth that is warm and nice and doesn’t have huge freakin’ spiders…
Looks whistfully towards New Zealand
I hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!