A Little Sick

After not getting sick, at all, since 2019, it’s finally happened.

Not “The Big One,” and not much to speak of whatsoever… if this was still 2019 I would probably still go to work and school. It’s a bit of a sore throat, an occasional cough, and that’s it.

But it’s not 2019 any more, and I take my (and everyone’s) health a bit more seriously these days. So I stayed home from the retail job for a couple days to recover and recuperate, and I feel significantly better today.

I think I’ve also decided to temporarily set this story aside. The novel that I’m working on, that is. I love the setting and the characters and the core idea of the story, but it’s stuck again and I don’t have time to be stuck again. I’ll come back to it after I finish a different novel… something a bit more space opera, I think. Lone ship exploring the galaxy, looking for friends and allies among the harsh, unforgiving stars. I think I’m going to build off of an old story thread I wrote back in 2010 or so… not the same story, but built along similar foundations.

I’m excited! I love writing space operas!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!