Somebody managed to break into my Paypal account. Partially my fault because I use human-level passwords (numbers and words, as opposed to more-secure gibberish), but still a tonne of work to undo the damage wrought.
Thankfully, not expensive damage, because that would ruin me, but still a lot of work to try and tighten up my online security. Two-factor authentication, lots of new passwords that are longer and more complicated… a lot of work in a lot of places online, and by no means did I get everywhere. But I tried, and hopefully I got the important ones.
Still, that tied up a lot of time I would’ve much rather spent on writing, so I have some catching up to do! But the new novel is coming along nicely (I’m about midway through Chapter 3 at this point), and it feels good to be writing, rather than just planning on writing or thinking about writing. Sure, there’s a bunch of stuff in my life that’s really hard right now, but at least I can still put fingers-to-keyboard and produce something. That feels good.
Now, examining how long this degree that I’ve been working on is still going to take… that does not feel good. But I have a few months before I really have to start worrying about that.
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!