The Best Thing

It’s nice to be writing. It’s really nice to be looking forward to writing… in the Tao of Pooh (a book I read when quite young that has managed to lodge itself in my mind rather firmly), Winnie the Pooh describes the best thing in the world as not eating honey, but the moment before you eat the honey. The anticipation of eating something you know you’re going to enjoy. Writing for me is like that… I love writing, but the best feeling in the world is the moment before you start writing. The moment when all the plot threads and hooks and characters are swirling around in my head, jostling each other to be the first out and on the page. That’s a feeling unlike any other.

So I wake up most days with the buzz of anticipation that I get to write later in the day (even if “later” is sometimes quite early, like today!). And the words are falling in line for me right now. I' just finished Chapter 3 and am steaming on to Chapter 4 already… with some luck I might hit the halfway point of the novel (first draft, obvi) by the middle of the month. That would be fantastic. So we’ll see if I can maintain this lovely pace!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!